Shipping Services
Hall's Auction Services Ltd. does not undertake either packing or shipping inhouse. You must designate and arrange for the services of an independent shipper and you are responsible for all shipping and insurance expenses.
The handling of sold lots is always handled in the same order as payment is received. Please make sure that you pay for your purchases prior to contacting any shipper. We cannot release goods that have not been paid for, nor can we release goods if we do not have your explicit authorization.
The following list of independent third-party shippers is provided as a convenience to our clients. We cannot be held responsible for the service or assume any liability for providing this information.
Please remember, shipping within Canada is expensive - especially for delicate and fragile items.
If you wish a friend or family member to pick up your purchases from our location please communicate the arrangements with us. We will not release any purchases without prior authorization.
The UPS Store 36
Tel: 403-244-3212
Email: store36@theupsstore.ca
Website: www.theupsstore.ca/36
Owner / Operator: Sumita Visvantha
OC Delivery Solutions Ltd.
Tel: 403-714-5609
Owner/Operator: Orville and Carol Randen
Paramount Moving
Tel: 403-618-5182
Email: info@paramountmoving.ca
Website: www.paramountmoving.ca
Operators: Demitro / Vitaly
Darwin's Moving & Deliveries Inc.
Tel: 403-462-5331
Email: info@darwinsmoving.com
Website: www.darwinsmoving.com
Owner/Operator: Darwin
Art Schifft (formerly Artpacked)
Tel: 778-885-5152
Email: info@artpacked.com
Website: www.artpacked.com
Owner/Operator: Bill Betzler
FYM Transport
Tel: 514-952-9205
Email: fymtransport@yahoo.com
Website: www.fymtransport.com